P-06-1201 Ban the shooting of critically endangered birds...give them the protection they so desperately need!, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 30.01.22


Dear Members of the petition committee,


Thank you for your email and the attached correspondence.

I would like to make a couple of important points for my response:


1. The declaration of a nature emergency should mean that the Welsh Government would do everything it can to reverse the loss of these vulnerable species.

All of the State of Nature Reports have warned us that we cannot and must not go back to business as usual!

2.The arguments which our sport shooting industry use are fundamentally the same as what the discredited trophy industry use to justify their appalling activities. Planting some trees and paying blood money alliws them to shoot and kill whatever they desire. I am glad the world is starting to wake up to theses 18th century delusion.

3. Why has there been no consultation with the BTO or the LACS?

4. My group is a small conservation group based in Barry and is made up of volunteers. To ask us to present scientific evidence for our argument is simply unreasonable and the RSPB'S Royal Charter mean that they are fundamentally biased. Only the Welsh Government can carry out an unbiased review.

5. The shooting of red listed species by sport shooting means they cannot even use the excuse of crop protection...it's basically for fun!

Finally the low gene pool left in these red listed species should automatically protect them from the lead of the sport shooting. In my opinion, the Welsh public would welcome some extra protection for these vulnerable species.

We are not asking for a total ban on sport shoot, all we are asking is that they those species who are currently classed as red listed are given protection from this senseless slaughter...the nature crisis demands action before more bird species are lost to the UK.


Where are all the champions of nature gone?!